
Who is behind I4L?

I4L is funded by the Danish Industry Foundation and is carried out by a team of researchers at the IT University of Copenhagen. For more information about the team behind I4L click here.

When will the I4L workshops take place?

The next workshop consists of two separate days:

The first day in Designing Tangible Ecosystems is on the 18th of January 2019
The second day in Digital Leadership and Communication is on the 25th of January 2019

Previous workshops were held on the 8th of September 2017 and on the 9th of April 2018
You can also read more about the conference held on the 7th of September 2017 here.

Where do the I4L workshops take place?

The I4L workshops will take place at IT University of Copenhagen, on Rued Langgaards Vej, no 7, 2300 København S. Specific details on room location will be disclosed once registration has been accepted.

Does participation cost anything?

Participation is free of charge and sponsored by the Danish Industry Foundation.

What are the prerequisites?

I4L participants are leaders who want to learn and implement new digital methods in their businesses. Applicants will be selected based on their motivation and the possibilities for carrying out their ideas subsequently.

How can I get involved?

In order to join the next workshop please sign up here

What is the difference between leadership and management?

In an article in the Harvard Business Review, John Kotter (2013) expresses his frustration with the unclear distinction between what a leader is and what a manager is. Leadership does not depend on attributes, but on behavior. Leadership is accordingly not a reflection of hierarchical emplacement, but also ones ability to bring an organization into the future, and to be a visionary, to empower one’s employees and be capable of creating change.

Kotter (2013) explains that management is focused on well-known processes, planning, and budgeting with a general emphasis placed on administrative tasks.

When is this taking place?

The next workshop consists of two separate days:

The first day in Designing Tangible Ecosystems is on the 18th of January 2019

The second day in Digital Leadership and Communication is on the 25th of January 2019

What does I4L do?

As part of the I4L project, we invite leaders to participate in workshops from 2017 to 2019. In addition to the three workshops, we will be in continuous dialogue with workshop participants via an online community. The dialogue and the workshops will form the basis of a final report.

What does I4L mean?

I4L stands for Innovation for Leadership. It is the name of a project that has the objective to inspire leaders to enhance their leadership capacities in the digital economy. You can read more about it in our press release here.